Your Right to Cancel Any Transaction

As Idaho law requires, we have to inform you about your right to cancel any transaction.

  • You may cancel this transaction, without any penalty or obligation whatsoever, within three (3) business days of the date in which you receive this written confirmation.
  • If you cancel, all payments or other consideration which may have already been made by you will be returned within ten (10) business days following receipt by the telephone solicitor of your cancellation notice.
  • If you cancel, all documents must be returned to Federal Carrier Compliance Registration, LLC. (Address and contact information below.)

To cancel this transaction, deposit in the mail or deliver a signed and dated copy of this cancellation notice or any other written notice to the address below no later than midnight of the third business day after which you received this notice.

A full refund will be given on any and all services that do not contain an initial service cost in order for the initial services to be completed and or has previously debited from the service being rendered (i.e.: BOC-3, UCR, MC#, etc.).

To cancel a transaction, you may fax, mail or email us this signed and dated written confirmation:

I (Full Name) hereby acknowledge that I am canceling the transaction within
three (3) business days of payment made, and in the amount of $

The services I would like to cancel are: ______________.

Furthermore, I request the monies for services not rendered to be refunded back in to my
account within the agreed time frame.

I acknowledge that I take full responsibility for the required regulatory requirements and hold
harmless Federal Carrier Compliance Registration of any fines, Out of Service requests, or any
other potential harm that may arise by not having the documents rendered.

Name of Applicant_______________

Company Name or DOT#: (if applicable) _______________

Date of Purchase:_______________

Signature:__________________________ Current Date:_______________

Send to:

FCCR – (Federal Carrier Compliance Registration)
507 E. 45th Street Suite 500
Garden City, ID 83714

Email: – Fax: (208) 550-8921